venerdì, 7 Febbraio , 25

Malta, Muscat introduced Fenech to the president of AC Milan Scaroni

EconomiaMalta, Muscat introduced Fenech to the president of AC Milan Scaroni

LA VALLETTA (MALTA) (ITALPRESS/MNA) – Former Maltese Prime Minister Joseph Muscat presented Yorgen Fenech, accused of being the instigator of the assassination of Maltese journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia, to Paolo Scaroni, the President of AC Milan,about a potential agreement on the supply of electricity.
This was revealed by the Times of Malta, which in its Sunday edition highlights this news. This meeting causeda stir in Malta, also due to the current role of Paolo Scaroni as President of Milan, one of the most popular teams in Malta amongst football fans.
In a statement published on his Facebook page,

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